When Life Hands You Lemons

Winter 2020, January to be exact, I had the honor of being included in the quarterly SCBWI newsletter as one of their SCBWI Success Stories.

The article centered on how I’d thought my window for writing for children was closing when I had to return to full-time work after raising my children. But my promise to myself that I would attend ANY SCBWI event within driving distance of my home meant that when a poetry retreat was announced, I had to sign up.

Even though I was not a poet.

Not even a little bit.

I wrote novels, for goodness sake!

I’d written five middle grade novels and they got sorta okay but not great, “the main character doesn’t have much personality,” type rejections. . . but the critiquers often commented on my lyrical use of language. Pretty words don’t mean much when you don’t have a compelling character or an interesting plot, though.

Fast forward and the poetry retreat opened me to a whole new realm of writing, and not just for children.

My debut book turned out not to be a novel, but a short board book in rhyme that started out with a few lines that weekend of the retreat. I’ve set aside my novel ambitions and focus on picture books now, a playground that brings me much more joy.


#SpringFling: Max and the Bear